Posts Tagged ‘blog’

the victim card


Someone suggested that Obama is caught in this situation where he has promised to run a different kind of campaign but when his wondrous and pure honesty forces painful truths out of the magnificent mouth that cannot tell a lie then he gets unfairly bashed for speaking of life’s inconvenient truths. He’s just a victim […]

I think the campaigns have now gone on so long that these people are starting to lose it. Hillary laughing irrationally at a serious question. Bill confecting even more Bosnia trouble for her. Barack Obama has even started making sexual wisecracks to ladies on the meet and greet lines. At this point (meaning both in […]

The rationale being offered by Democratic big wigs and the mainstream media as to how the Democratic party can get away with ignoring both a potential popular vote victory by Hillary Clinton, as well as ignoring or redefining the stated purpose of the superdelegates, is as follows: To have the super ones move to Hillary […]